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This website was written in pure CSS, HTML and Javascript. The font used is FiraCode Monospace . The icons used to visualize certain things are from Font Awesome . The photo gallery is automatically generated on demand. The Banner-Logo/Favicon on Mobile and also Web were designed and provided by a friend of mine. The syntax highlighting is provided by Highligh.js . The formatting of equations is done by KaTeX . The section and subsection numbering, the caption numbering and table of contents creation is done fully automatically during runtime using Javascript.

This server is hosted on an Raspberry Pi 4B inside a Docker Container running node.js . The SSL-Certificate is provided by Let's Encrypt using Certbot.

This page uses a non-persistent session cookie to determine the view-count of the page. This cookie will get deleted immediatly after the session. The data saved in the cookie consists of just 32 random bytes. The Cookie is signed using the Crypto Library . The secret is a random 32 byte long hex string. Only secure cookies are allowed.